local governments

Is It Time To Focus ?

English: Members of the Democratic Socialists ...

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That is the big question these days. Occupy Wall Street has focus on wall street. A general presidential election is upon us on Tuesday November 6.  Should we focus on the election ? Should we focus on protecting our family from the lack of respect by local government/s ? Should we focus are assisting our veterans populations returning from deployment around the world ?  Maybe we should focus on making our children understand how bad our country economics are and why we cannot give them everything they ask now. Or maybe we should focus on doing nothing ? Whatever you focus on, just focus. stick with it until you develop change or get answers. Take those answers and move forward. If you choose to focus on nothing you will receive nothing. There is much to focus on in our America. Wishing all a well focus New Year.  I have taken the position of addressing “New Jim Crow Era” and protecting the civil rights obtained over the last sixty years. Thanks for stopping by and continue good luck.

English: Photos from Zuccotti Park on Wednesda...

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